In one word, it’s TOUGH! As soon as I arrived in Bolivia, I asked my community partner about the vegetarian options in Bolivia and they laughingly said, “Oh, that’s gonna be difficult but I am sure there are a few.” And then we went to a breakfast place where the only item I could order on the menu was a milkshake. That’s how I realized that being vegetarian is going to be quite challenging in Bolivia so I had better sharpen my cooking skills.
It’s very fortunate that our Airbnb has a kitchen, or else I would truly be suffering. Every day at the food bank, they order lunch for all the staff however, since none of the meals are meat-free, I bring my own lunch to work daily. I usually cook during the weekends and ensure that I make enough to last me the week. It’s definitely an additional chore that I have to do however, it has been good preparation for adult life. Furthermore, I enjoy cooking so it has served as a nice outlet to relax at the end of the week.
However, don’t get me wrong, I still have been able to try some delicious vegetarian foods in Bolivia. These include some delectable fruits such as copoazu, guarana, and siete sabores, artesanal (handmade) ice cream, pastries such as cheese empanadas and buñuelos, steamed and baked humintas, vegetarian burgers made of quinoa and chickpeas, and more.



siete sabores

artisanal ice cream

cheese empanada


baked huminta

steamed huminta

vegetarian burger with cheesy potatoes
There has definitely been a silver lining though with being vegetarian and that is being saved from food poisoning. Unfortunately, Sydney did have food poisoning a few weeks back and couldn’t come to work for four days. She’s all better and is now invincible from food poisoning. 💪
Overall, being a vegetarian is definitely not an easy task in Bolivia (be prepared to eat french fries for a meal now and then) however, every moment spent here has been SO worth it! Everyone at the food bank has been an absolute delight to get to know and work with, Sydney has been a lifesaver, and thank you Kelsey for being there for everything. This summer opportunity has been so incredible and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful experience as well and I am signing off with a picture of Perlita, the adorable dog at the food bank. She has my whole heart. 🫶

Perlita asking to be pet 🥹